Friday, May 18, 2012

Insert Clever Title Here

So, I finished "Possession: A Romance" by A.S. Byatt yesterday, and I really enjoyed the last 40% of it. I liked it enough that I will probably read it again, as well as check out some of her other novels. It took me 29 days to read, but I have been getting ready for my vacation, and watching the NHL playoffs (hockey everynight? Yes, please!) so it probably took me longer than it should have. Also, big thanks to my Kobo for making me think of a book in terms of percentages! That's not weird at all.

It took me a really long time to get into this novel, mainly because the structure really broke up the tension and made it difficult for me to actually care about the characters. There are 150 pages of Victorian correspondence beginning about a quarter into the book, which brings the 20th century plot to a stand still. I feel that the set-up could have been shortened by as much as 200 pages to increase the drama of the story. It's all beautifully written, and the faux-Victorian style even started to grow on me, but when you don't care about the story that matters less.

Having said all that, the end of the novel was really engaging! I got right into it - mystery! Romance! Tension galore! - and I actually hated having to put it down. It stills irks me that the story took so long to become engaging, though.

I'm on vacation for the next two weeks, but I'm taking three Booker books with me to try and catch up (haha) with my reading. I'm going back chronologically to some I skipped earlier. I'm starting with Stanley Middleton's "Holiday" on the plane tonight, and I'm also taking V.S. Naipaul's "In A Free State" and David Storey's "Saville". I may or may not have time to blog during my vacation, but I absolutely will when I get home!

Happy Reading!!